Road map to Success

One of the methods the brain uses to filter large amounts of information that flows daily, and to keep it under control is called the "preparation set." It helps your brain focus on things that are considered important. You can "edit" that method by writing down the things you want to do and making them clear. When organized, it focuses your attention on specific events and events. Illustration: when you decide that you want a particular car you see everywhere, you notice each one on the freeway, you see all the ads or commercials. The setup works that way. Once you have planned it for your purposes (visualization over writing works best) you will become more aware of specific events, opportunities and people who can be helpful. You will become more aware of what you want, and this will fit into your conversation and your general attitude, where others can find you. It is not really magic, unless you believe like me, that the mind is a miracle in itself.

For example, to make it easier to incorporate light exercise into your life, write down your goal (I'll go the extra half hour a day) and see yourself walking and enjoying: maybe you think of parking a few blocks (where it's cheaper) and going the rest, or getting off the bus or train at one stop prematurely, either go to the nearest restaurant for lunch, or take the stairs instead of the elevator where you can, or take a sandwich to a nearby park, or take a dog for a longer walk than usual before and after work. If you find yourself walking and enjoying, you will soon find that you see new and different ways you can walk without having to worry about it.

As soon as you have a goal, you can actually create your own "street map".
Building a tangible representation of what you want to accomplish can do a number of things:

First, the process of building it will force you to specify and specify what you want. Second, taking the time and energy to create it is a powerful signal to you that you are determined to achieve it.

It sets a goal. Third, if you keep it where you can see it, it will serve as a powerful reminder of your intentions for your life.

Your visual road map has two parts: 1) a map of your destination, and 2) your map of how to get there.

Street Map Experiment 1: Illustrating Your Location

This is a reflection of your good health, and you will use it in the next few years to remind yourself and encourage yourself, so take it as an important task. When you look at your finished image, you should be able to see that each of your intentions is clearly represented.

1. Collect the building materials needed to make a collage:

 a large piece of paper with colored markers, pens, paint, pastels or other art objects; many magazines full of pictures and advertisements that you can cut, paste or paste, and a few photos of yourself and others in your life. If you enjoy drawing, you might want to submit photos from magazines and draw your own. If you are a computer programmer, computer art can be the way you do this. You can also add solid objects, pieces of fabric or jewelry, tokens and keepakes that make sense to you. Keep in mind that colorful and graphic images are powerful stimulants for understanding, and the point of this exercise is to help focus your understanding on your goals and dreams.

2. Divide your paper into sections that represent your personal life, your business or work, your family life, your friends and your free time.

3. Enter the title of each section, and imagine that, if you have created your own life, you may want to create it in that section.

4. Start with a personal health category, and think about what activities represent the private, private part of your life - including pictures that illustrate you. Start with your photo as you are, or in the way you would like it to be (with graduation dress, wedding dress, slim, effective, you can attach a small photo of your head or face to a magazine photo if you wish). Are hobbies or talents important to you? What kinds of pictures make you feel good about yourself? What symbols can you use to represent yourself? What do you want to use to represent your physical health? Your happiness? Your willingness? Choose one or two pictures to represent the different ways in which you see yourself: Recreation, spirituality, relaxation, exercise, work, parenting, recreation.

5. Now, look for pictures of concrete objects or targets that can complete a personal section of your road map, such as the following: Your home, car, clothing, travel, pets, personal growth goals or any other important things that represent your state of health.

6. Organize these photos in the personal part of your college in a way that suits you, or draw presentations of things that are important to you. Make sure your chosen image is in front of the center for this personal category. Edit and rearrange and edit your photo collection until the end result is fun.

7. Now complete some parts of your results in the same way. Each section will probably include some duplicates in the individual section because you will be personally involved in each section. Use a picture of your bright personality in each section; or create a different type of person for your category for each category, or use black and white copies or your own color for each category.

Once you have edited your photo, stand back and see if it reflects your good health. If not, play with it again. If so, attach or save items, and place a collage where you can watch more often. This image only needs to represent your future as you now think it should be; you can change your image, add to it or make a new one as your goals grow and change.

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