Describe a piece of international news you have just recently heard | IELTS speaking cue cards May to August 2021


Describe a piece of international news you have just recently heard (Covid-19)
You should say
· What is the news about?
· Where and when you heard it?
· What were you doing when you heard the news?
· Explain how you felt about this piece of international news?

To begin with, in today’s world it has become extremely essential to keep ourselves updated and aware of the latest happenings around us and current affairs.
They tell us about the happenings around the globe through local, national and international media. For instance, print media like newspapers, magazines, etc and television news channels.

I too refer to these channels to keep myself updated with the latest news, especially in this time of a global pandemic.
Anyways, the news that I felt was very important was the one related to the spread of COVID-19 and its potential cures and preventive measures.
That’s when I came across this news on India Tv where they were broadcasting something related to the invention of vaccines for COVID-19 in India.
They were briefing all about the process of vaccination being followed globally, especially in India.
There was also a broadcast on the number of doses to be taken and the way they tackle the infection in the human body and prevent it from entering our bodies or spreading.
As it was a Sunday morning, I had ample time to watch the news, so I watched the whole news for 1 hour straight from 10-11 AM.
It was a part of one of their morning shows and I watched it while having my breakfast.
So, I was delighted that the vaccines had finally arrived, that too, invented and formulated in India, which made me feel elated and extremely proud as an Indian citizen.
Plus, I felt that the decision to vaccinate our health care workers and police forces first was a great decision as this would enable them to serve us well without any fear of contracting the virus.
After the news I felt very excited to book my appointment for the first dose of vaccination.
This news was a big respite and a welcome change from all the negativity that was around due to this virus.

IELTS Speaking Part 3 :

Follow-up questions of Describe a piece of international news you have just recently heard

1. What is your newspaper reading style?

Well, on a usual weekday, I have to leave for the office early. So, I carry my newspaper with me to read while commuting. My office is about 30 minutes away from my home, so I get ample time to read the whole newspaper and not just the headlines.

2. Do you think reading international news is important?

Oh, absolutely. In today’s highly globalised world, it becomes necessary to have knowledge about global current affairs. Also, we can get to know about the various opportunities that come up in different countries in employment, health and educational context.

3. News that you have described do you think will impact the world? If yes then how?

Definitely. Getting to know about the vaccines and their applications can be very helpful in tackling this menace in the long run. As the sooner the population gets vaccinated, the sooner we can lift the lockdown and get our lives back on track. So, these kinds of positive news actually motivate people to get vaccinated and play their part in solving this problem.


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